Al Roumi General Trading, is exclusively an oilfield supply and services company.
Al Roumi has been found in the market since year 1990, 100% owned local company serving the oil & gas industry with the support of around thirty (30) international principle companies; we represent exclusively.
Al Roumi is an ADNOC ICV certified company.
We are registered with all ADNOC and it’s groups of companies such as ADNOC Offshore, ADNOC Onshore, ADNOC Drilling, ADNOC Gas Processing, ADNOC Refining, ADNOC LNG, ADNOC Fertilizers, ADNOC Sour Gas, ADNOC Technical Academy, ADNOC Industrial Gases, ADNOC Logistics and Services, etc.
Al Roumi General Trading on its tremendous growth had started its own Wireline Company in the year 1993. Later, in year 1999 we established our own Airloop System Services (H2S System) and presently carrying out contracts on different Offshore and Onshore Locations with ADNOC and it’s group of companies.